
Annet Drive Durban (KZN)
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082 844 3361 - 076 814 1911 - 031 262 0000
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Health and Safety

Since working on Eskom power stations and Anglo American mines we have adopted their Safety standards to provide our Customers and employees a save working environment. All employees are provided with protective clothing and equipment to enable them to perform the functions and ensure their safety at all times.

Plant Operators

Operate plant with due diligence, care and safety. Identify risks for early corrective actions and avoid downtime, report and log reports Of risks to safety and production. Identify plant malfunctions report and log reports of risks to safety and production. Ensure the plant is fully operational and safe at all times.

Plant Mechanics

Ensure all plant is fully operational, risks are eliminated and malfunctions repaired as quickly as possible. Ensure all plant is maintained after every 400hours or 2months or when risks are identified with respect to oil, brakes, filters, windscreen, battery and fuel tank. Examine all plant every day for faults and risks.

Safety Officers

Ensure all operators and employees are skilled and have the relevant knowledge on safety, health and environmental protection. Complete checklist on safety measures and brief operators on tool kits.

Site Supervisor

Ensures all plant has operators and are in plant at all times. Operators are t and proper to operate plant. Ensure backup operators are available for sick and unfit operators. Log operating times and ensure documentation is in order.